Anita G.
Not Real Estate Related but a great big thank you to Carmen Crispeno for being a pleasure to work with. I was searching for a used car for my son for over a month, even coming close to purchasing from a dealership. Although the car I was looking into at the dealership looked great the test drive didn't seem to sit well with me, and after sleeping on it hoping I'd change my mind, well I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my gut. I just about given up my search when I came across Carmen's post. He was quick to respond and answered all my initial questions about his car so we set up a meet and test drive on Sunday. Both my son and I test drove it, which we were pleased with. However, we did have concerns about the sound and delay when starting up the car. Without a fuss Carmen had taken the car into the dealership first thing Monday morning to diagnose the issue and had everything repaired with new parts. What pleased me the most was that he was upfront and honest throughout this encounter. The car now has a Honda warranty for 3 years/ 36,000 miles for the parts and repairs that Carmen took care of, and with a multi point dealership inspection for my peace of mind. He ensured that before my son and I took possession of the car that it was safe to drive.
Content by Remington Crispeno Team Seattle Realtors